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Commonly used proverbs with their meaning, board exam proverbs |
- Live and let live – Allow others to live as they choose.
- Covet all, lose all – If you're too greedy, you risk losing everything.
- Haste makes waste – Rushing leads to mistakes and wasted efforts.
- Knowledge is power – Being knowledgeable gives you an advantage.
- Time is gold – Time is valuable and should not be wasted.
- Tit for tat – Returning the same action done to you, good or bad.
- Work is worship – Hard work is as important as any religious devotion.
- Clothes maketh the man – How you dress influences how people see you.
- Fortune favours the brave – Bold people are often rewarded.
- All the world's a stage – Life is like a play, with everyone playing a part.
- Bare words buy no barley – Words alone cannot achieve results.
- Barking dogs seldom bite – Those who make threats often don’t act on them.
- Truth alone triumphs – Truth always wins in the end.
- Union is strength – Unity leads to strength and success.
- Old is gold – Older things or people have great value.
- A bad workman blames his tools – People blame external factors for their failures.
- A constant guest is never welcome – If you visit too often, you become unwelcome.
- A drowning man will catch a straw – In desperation, people will try anything.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed – A true friend is someone who helps when you're in need.
- A good reputation is a fair estate – A good name is as valuable as wealth.
- A guilty conscience needs no accuser – If you feel guilty, you don’t need others to accuse you.
- A hungry man is an angry man – Hunger makes people angry and irrational.
- A picture is worth a thousand words – Visuals can convey more than words.
- A rolling stone gathers no moss – Constantly moving prevents you from settling down.
- A wild goose never lay a lame egg – Rare or wild things always have value.
- A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend – A smart enemy is less harmful than a reckless friend.
- Actions speak louder than words – What people do is more important than what they say.
- Adding fuel to the fire – Making a situation worse by interfering.
- After a storm comes a calm – After difficulties, peace will return.
- All are not saints that go to church – Not everyone who appears religious is truly good.
- All that glitters is not gold – Not everything that looks valuable is truly valuable.
- Art is long but life is short – Art lasts forever, but life is brief.
- As the fool thinks so the bell clinks – A fool often ends up confirming their own thoughts.
- Be just before you are generous – Be fair before being kind.
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder – Beauty is subjective and depends on personal taste.
- Bend the twig bend the tree – Early training influences lifelong behaviour.
- Diamonds cut diamonds – Only a strong person can deal with another strong person.
- Call a spade a spade – Speak the truth plainly and directly.
- No pain no gain – You need to work hard to achieve success.
- No smoke without fire – Rumors usually have some truth behind them.
- Prevention is better than cure – It’s better to stop something bad from happening than fix it after.
- Better late than never – It’s better to do something late than not.
- Birds of the same feather flock together – People with similar interests stay together.
- Blood is thicker than water – Family bonds are stronger than other relationships.
- Brevity is the soul of wit – Being concise is the essence of being clever.
- Cast no pearls before swine – Don’t offer valuable things to those who can’t appreciate them.
- Charity begins at home – You should care for your family before helping others.
- Coming events cast their shadow before – Current signs often predict future events.
- Cowards die many times before their death – Cowards suffer repeatedly due to their fear.
- Cut your coat according to the cloth – Live within your means.
- Do not look a gift horse in the mouth: Don't criticize or find faults with something you received for free.
- Do not rob Peter to pay Paul: Don't solve one problem by creating another; don't take from one person to give to another.
- Do well what you have to do: Take pride in your work and always do your best.
- Doubt is the key to knowledge: Questioning things leads to better understanding and learning.
- Eagles don't catch flies: People with great talents or abilities don't waste their time on trivial matters.
- East or West, home is best: No matter where you go, home is the best place to be.
- Effort never fails: Hard work always pays off, even if success isn't immediate.
- Practice makes a man perfect: Repeated practice of a task will lead to mastery.
- Empty vessels make much noise: People with little knowledge often talk the most or the loudest.
- Even a pin is good for something: Everything, no matter how small or insignificant it seems, has a purpose or value.
- Small rudders guide great ships: Small actions or decisions can have a significant impact.
- Even Homer nods: Even experts make mistakes sometimes.
- Homer too nods: The same as "Even Homer nods," indicating that everyone is fallible.
- Every ass loves his bray: Foolish people often enjoy listening to their own foolishness or ideas.
- Every cock crows upon his own dunghill: Everyone feels more confident and important in their own environment or territory.
- Every dog has its day: Everyone will have moments of success or luck eventually.
- Every tide has its ebb: Life has ups and downs, and nothing stays the same forever.
- Experience is the best teacher: Personal experience is more valuable for learning than theoretical knowledge.
- Face is the index of the mind: A person's face or expressions reveal their inner thoughts and emotions.
- Familiarity breeds contempt: The more you get to know someone or something, the less respect or admiration you may have for them.
- Fine feathers make fine birds: People are often judged by their outward appearance, like how they dress.
- Hear much, speak little: It is wise to listen more and talk less.
- A hearty laugh dispels disease: Laughter is good for your health and can relieve stress and tension.
- Honesty is the best policy: Telling the truth is always the right and most beneficial approach.
- Humility is the best virtue: Being humble and modest is the highest quality a person can possess.
- If you give an inch, he will take all: If you make a small concession, someone may take advantage of you and demand more.
- It is no use crying over spilt milk: There's no point in being upset about something that has already happened and cannot be changed.
- Jack of all trades is a master of none: Someone who knows a little about many things but is not an expert in any.
- Lamb at home and the lion at the chase: Someone who is gentle and meek in private but aggressive or dominant in public situations.
- Like father, like son: Children often resemble their parents in behaviour and traits.
- Little strokes fell great oaks: Small but consistent efforts can achieve big results.
- Look before you leap: Think carefully before taking action, especially if it's risky.
- Man proposes that God disposes: Humans may plan, but ultimately, fate or divine will controls the outcome.
- Many a slip between the cup and the lip: Even when success seems certain, unforeseen problems may arise at the last moment.
- Misfortune never comes single: Bad events often happen in clusters rather than in isolation.
- Money makes many things: Money can solve many problems and give you access to opportunities.
- Necessity is the mother of invention: When people really need something, they will find creative ways to solve the problem.
- Nip the evil in the bud: Stop a problem before it becomes worse.
- The pen is mightier than the sword: Written words and ideas can have more power and influence than force or violence.
- Penny wise and pound foolish: Being careful with small amounts of money but wasteful with large amounts.
- Practice what you preach: Follow the principles or advice you give to others.
- Reading makes a perfect man: Reading improves knowledge, skills, and understanding, shaping a well-rounded person.
- Rome was not built in a day: Great things take time and cannot be rushed.
- Set a beggar on horseback, he will ride to the devil: If you give too much power or wealth to an unworthy person, they may become worse.
- Self-help is the best help: Helping yourself through your own efforts is the most effective way to succeed.
- Slow and steady wins the race: Consistent, patient effort will bring success, even if it takes time.
- Spare the rod and spoil the child: Discipline is necessary to teach children right from wrong.
- Speech is silver, silence is gold: Speaking is valuable, but silence is often even more precious.
- Stolen fruit is the sweetest: Things that are forbidden or hard to get are often more desirable.
- The child is the father of the man: A person's childhood behaviour and characteristics can predict their adult nature.
- The early bird catches the worm: Those who act promptly or arrive early have an advantage.
- The empty vessel makes the greatest sound: People who know the least often talk the most.
- The proof of the pudding is in the eating: The real value of something can only be judged when it is put to use or tested.
- The squeaky wheel gets the grease: The person who complains or makes noise is the one who gets attention or assistance.
- There is no smoke without fire: If there's a rumour or suspicion, it usually has some truth behind it.
- Too many cooks spoil the broth: Having too many people involved in a task can lead to confusion and a poor outcome.
- Two heads are better than one: Working together or collaborating is more effective than working alone.
- Variety is the spice of life: Different experiences or changes make life interesting and enjoyable.
- Waste not, want not: If you use resources carefully and avoid waste, you won't run out of them.
- When in Rome, do as the Romans do: Adapt to the customs or behaviours of the place or situation you are in.
- Where there's a will, there's a way: If you are determined enough, you can overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.
- You can't have your cake and eat it too: You can't enjoy two incompatible things at the same time; you must choose one.
- You can't teach an old dog new tricks: It's hard to change someone's habits or ways, especially if they've been doing them for a long time.
- Actions speak louder than words: What people do is more important than what they say.
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: It's better to hold onto something you already have than to risk losing it by trying to get something better.
- A chain is only as strong as its weakest link: A group or system is only as strong as its weakest part.
- A fool and his money are soon parted: Foolish people easily lose their money through bad decisions.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed: A true friend is someone who helps you in difficult times.
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step: Even the longest and most difficult ventures have to start somewhere.
- A leopard can't change its spots: People cannot change their true nature or character.
- A penny saved is a penny earned: Saving money is just as important as earning it.
- A picture is worth a thousand words: A single image can convey a complex idea more effectively than a description.
- A rolling stone gathers no moss: Someone who is always moving or changing does not settle down and grow roots or responsibilities.
- A stitch in time saves nine: Fixing a small problem now will prevent it from becoming a bigger problem later.
- All good things must come to an end: Nothing lasts forever, even the best experiences.
- All that glitters is not gold: Not everything that looks valuable or attractive is truly valuable.
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away: Eating healthy food, like apples, can help maintain good health.
- An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: It's better to prevent problems than to fix them after they happen.
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: Different people have different ideas of what is beautiful.
- Better late than never: It's better to do something late than not to do it at all.
- Birds of a feather flock together: Similar People tend to associate with each other.
- Blood is thicker than water: Family relationships are stronger and more important than other relationships.
- Cleanliness is next to godliness: Keeping yourself and your surroundings clean is a sign of goodness and respect.
- Don't count your chickens before they hatch: Don't assume you will get something before it actually happens.
- Don't judge a book by its cover: Don't make assumptions about people or things based on their appearance.
- Don't put all your eggs in one basket: Don't risk everything on one plan or venture; diversify to protect yourself.
- Every cloud has a silver lining: Even bad situations have some positive aspects.
- Fortune favours the bold: People who take risks are more likely to achieve success.
- God helps those who help themselves: You need to take initiative and help yourself before expecting help from others.
- Haste makes waste: Acting too quickly can lead to mistakes and wasted effort.
- Honesty is the best policy: Telling the truth is the right and most beneficial thing to do.
- If it ain't broke, don't fix it: If something is working well, there's no need to change or fix it.
- If you can't beat them, join them: If you can't defeat your opponents, it might be better to work with them.
- If you play with fire, you'll get burned: If you take unnecessary risks, you may suffer negative consequences.
- It takes two to tango: Both parties involved in a situation are responsible for its outcome.
- Knowledge is power: Having knowledge gives you the ability to make better decisions and gain control.
- Laughter is the best medicine: Humor and laughter can improve your mood and health.
- Let sleeping dogs lie: Avoid interfering in a situation that could cause trouble.
- Necessity is the mother of invention: When people are in need, they become more resourceful and creative in finding solutions.
- No pain, no gain: Hard work and effort are necessary to achieve success.
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