Our Casuarina Tree by Toru Dutt Summary and Analysis, 12th English, Samacheer Kalvi


Our Casuarina Tree 

by Toru Dutt 

Our Casuarina Tree by Toru Dutt Summary and Analysis, 12th English, Samacheer Kalvi
Our Casuarina Tree by Toru Dutt Summary and Analysis, 12th English, Samacheer Kalvi

LIKE a huge Python, winding round and round 
The rugged trunk, indented deep with scars, 
Up to its very summit near the stars, 
A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound 
No other tree could live. But gallantly
The giant wears the scarf, and flowers are hung 
In crimson clusters all the boughs among, 
Whereon all day are gathered bird and bee; 
And oft at nights the garden overflows 
With one sweet song that seems to have no close, 
Sung darkling from our tree, while men repose.

When first my casement is wide open thrown 
At dawn, my eyes delighted on it rest; 
Sometimes, and most in winter, - on its crest 
A gray baboon sits statue-like alone 
Watching the sunrise; while on lower boughs 
His puny offspring leap about and play; 
And far and near kokilas hail the day; 
And to their pastures wend our sleepy cows; 
And in the shadow, on the broad tank cast 
By that hoar tree, so beautiful and vast, 
The water-lilies spring, like snow enmassed. 

But not because of its magnificence 
Dear is the Casuarina to my soul: 
Beneath it we have played; though years may roll, 
O sweet companions, loved with love intense, 
For your sakes, shall the tree be ever dear. 
Blent with your images, it shall arise 
In memory, till the hot tears blind mine eyes! 
What is that dirge-like murmur that I hear 
Like the sea breaking on a shingle-beach? 
It is the tree’s lament, an eerie speech, 
That haply to the unknown land may reach. 

Unknown, yet well-known to the eye of faith! 
Ah, I have heard that wail far, far away 
In distant lands, by many a sheltered bay, 
When slumbered in his cave the water-wraith
And the waves gently kissed the classic shore 
Of France or Italy, beneath the moon, 
When earth lay trancèd in a dreamless swoon: 
And every time the music rose, - before 
Mine inner vision rose a form sublime, 
Thy form, O Tree, as in my happy prime 
I saw thee, in my own loved native clime. 

Therefore I fain would consecrate a lay
Unto thy honor, Tree, beloved of those 
Who now in blessed sleep for aye repose, - 
Dearer than life to me, alas, were they! 
Mayst thou be numbered when my days are done 
With deathless trees - like those in Borrowdale, 
Under whose awful branches lingered pale 
“Fear, trembling Hope, and Death, the skeleton, 
And Time the shadow;” and though weak the verse 
That would thy beauty fain, oh, fain rehearse, 
May Love defend thee from oblivion’s curse.

Summary of "Our Casuarina Tree" by Toru Dutt

“Our Casuarina Tree” is a beautiful and nostalgic poem by Toru Dutt that reflects the poet’s love for nature, her childhood memories, and a deep sense of loss. The poem describes a giant Casuarina tree that holds a special place in the poet's heart, symbolizing her connection with her past, her siblings, and the joys and sorrows of life.

The poem begins with a vivid description of the Casuarina tree, tall and strong, covered with a large creeper that looks like a python winding around the trunk. Birds, like babblers and bees, make the tree lively, while the tree's massive shadow provides a cool and comforting shade. The poet remembers how she and her siblings used to play under this tree in their childhood.

In the later part of the poem, Toru Dutt expresses her longing and pain as she reminisces about her deceased siblings. The tree symbolises the poet's memories, love, and longing for those happy times gone by. Despite the sadness, the tree remains a source of comfort and strength, standing tall against the ravages of time.

The poet ends the poem by expressing a wish for the Casuarina tree to be remembered forever, not just by her but also by others who appreciate its beauty and the memories it holds. She hopes that the tree will be celebrated in verse, living on through poetry even after she and her loved ones are gone.

Poem Analysis of "Our Casuarina Tree" by Toru Dutt


The central theme of “Our Casuarina Tree” is the poet’s deep connection with nature and her past. The tree represents her memories, her love for her family, and the unbreakable bond she shares with her siblings, even in their absence. Themes of nostalgia, loss, and the passage of time are explored in a gentle and heartfelt manner.

Imagery and Symbolism: 

Toru Dutt uses rich imagery to bring the Casuarina tree to life, depicting it as majestic, powerful, and full of life. The tree symbolizes strength, resilience, and the endurance of memories. The python-like creeper wrapped around the tree is a striking image that emphasizes the tree's grandeur. The birds, bees, and the tree's shadow are all symbols of the vibrancy and comfort the tree offers.

Tone and Mood: 

The tone of the poem is both nostalgic and melancholic. It reflects the poet’s longing for her past and the sorrow of losing her loved ones. However, there is also a sense of admiration and reverence for the Casuarina tree, making the mood contemplative and serene.

Style and Structure: 

The poem is written in free verse, with no strict rhyme scheme, allowing the poet’s emotions to flow naturally. The descriptive language and vivid imagery create a powerful emotional impact, making the reader feel connected to the tree and the memories it holds.

Personal Connection: 

Toru Dutt’s personal connection to the Casuarina tree is evident throughout the poem. It stands as a monument to her childhood and her loved ones, reflecting the idea that memories can be preserved through nature. The tree is not just a physical object but a deeply emotional symbol of her past.

Literary Devices: 

The poem employs various literary devices, including personification (the tree is described as if it were a living being), similes (comparing the creeper to a python), and metaphors (the tree as a symbol of memories). These devices enhance the poem’s emotional depth and help convey the poet’s feelings more vividly.

“Our Casuarina Tree” is more than just a poem about nature; it is a tribute to the poet’s cherished memories, her love for her family, and her desire for those memories to live on forever. It teaches readers the importance of holding on to the things that remind us of our loved ones and the past that shaped us.

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