The importance of subject-verb agreement, English Grammar


A singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb.
The importance of subject-verb agreement, English Grammar
 The importance of subject-verb agreement

Subject-verb agreement is a basic grammatical rule that states that the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb in terms of number and person. This means that a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. 

For example:

  • The dog runs in the park. (singular subject, singular verb)
  • The dogs run in the park. (plural subject, plural verb)

Subject-verb agreement is important because it helps to ensure that sentences are clear and easy to understand. When the subject and verb do not agree in number and person, it can lead to confusion and ambiguity, and the meaning of the sentence may be unclear. Here are some reasons why the subject-verb agreement is important:

It improves clarity and understanding:

When the subject and verb agree in terms of number and person, it makes the sentence easier to understand. This is because the reader can quickly identify the subject and verb, and know exactly what is being described.

It shows attention to detail:

Using proper subject-verb agreement shows that the writer is paying attention to the details of grammar and syntax. This demonstrates a level of professionalism and competence in writing.

It enhances credibility:

When writing for academic or professional purposes, it is important to present oneself as a credible and knowledgeable writer. Proper subject-verb agreement helps to enhance credibility by showing that the writer is skilled in the conventions of language.

It avoids confusion and ambiguity:

When a subject-verb agreement is incorrect, it can lead to confusion and ambiguity. This can be particularly problematic in legal or technical writing, where clarity and precision are essential.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a basic grammatical rule that is essential for clear and effective writing. By ensuring that the subject and verb agree in terms of number and person, writers can improve the clarity, credibility, and professionalism of their writing.

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