The difference between breath and breathe, English Vocabulary


 The difference between "breath" and "breathe" is in their function and meaning.

The difference between breath and breathe
The difference between breath and breathe

"Breathe" is a verb that refers to the action of inhaling and exhaling air. 

For example: 

"I need to take a deep breath to calm down," or "She couldn't breathe properly because of her asthma."

On the other hand, "breath" is a noun that refers to the air that is inhaled and exhaled during the process of breathing. 

For example: 

"I felt her breath on my face," or "He was out of breath after running a mile."

It's important to note that while "breath" is a noun and "breathe" is a verb, they are often used together in the same sentence. 

For example: 

"She took a deep breath before starting to speak," or "He couldn't breathe properly because his nose was stuffed up."

In order to use these words correctly, it's important to pay attention to their spelling and context. Remember that "breathe" is a verb and "breath" is a noun. If you're talking about the action of inhaling and exhaling air, use "breathe." If you're talking about the air that is inhaled and exhaled, use "breath."


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