How to use comparative and superlative adjectives, English Grammar


Comparative and superlative adjectives are used to compare the degree of a quality between two or more things. Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things, while superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more things. Here are some guidelines to help you use comparative and superlative adjectives correctly:

How to use comparative and superlative adjectives
How to use comparative and superlative adjectives

Adding -er/-est: 

For short adjectives, you can add -er for the comparative form and -est for the superlative form. For example, "big, bigger, biggest" or "fast, faster, fastest".

Adding "more"/"most": 

For longer adjectives, you can use "more" for the comparative form and "most" for the superlative form. For example, "beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful" or "interesting, more interesting, most interesting."

Irregular forms: 

There are some adjectives that have irregular forms in the comparative and superlative. For example, "good, better, best" or "bad, worse, worst".

Using "than": 

When using comparative adjectives, use "than" to introduce the second item being compared. For example, "This book is more interesting than that one."

Using "the": 

When using superlative adjectives, use "the" before the adjective to indicate that it is the highest degree of the quality being compared. For example, "This is the most interesting book I have ever read."

Comparing with "of": 

When comparing a group of things, use "of" after the superlative adjective to indicate what the comparison is based on. For example, "She is the smartest of all her classmates."

Be consistent: 

When using comparative and superlative adjectives, be consistent in the structure of the sentence. For example, "She is more talented than her sister" should not be followed by "But her sister is the prettier one." Instead, it should be "But her sister is the more beautiful one."

By following these guidelines, you can use comparative and superlative adjectives correctly and effectively in your writing and speaking, and improve your communication skills in English.

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