How to use adjectives and adverbs correctly, English Grammar

How to use adjectives and adverbs correctly, English Grammar


Adjectives and adverbs are two types of descriptive words that are commonly used in the English language to provide more information about nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adjectives describe the quality or characteristic of a noun, while adverbs describe the manner or degree of a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

How to use adjectives and adverbs correctly
How to use adjectives and adverbs correctly

Using adjectives correctly:

Placement of Adjectives: 

Adjectives usually come before the noun they modify, but they can also come after the noun in some cases, particularly in poetry or creative writing.


  • She is wearing a beautiful dress. (Before the noun)
  • The sunset was stunningly beautiful. (After the noun)

Order of Adjectives: 

If multiple adjectives are used to describe a noun, they should be placed in a specific order. The general order is: opinion, size, age, shape, colour, origin, material, and purpose.


  • A beautiful small antique wooden box (opinion-size-age-material)
  • An expensive Italian leather handbag (opinion-origin-material)

Using Adverbs correctly:

Placement of Adverbs: 

Adverbs can be placed before or after the verb, adjective, or another adverb they modify. In general, adverbs of manner come after the verb, while adverbs of frequency usually come before the main verb.


  • She sings beautifully. (Adverb of manner after the verb)
  • He always speaks the truth. (Adverb of frequency before the verb)

Adjective vs Adverb: 

Sometimes, people confuse adjectives and adverbs and use them interchangeably. However, it's important to note that adjectives describe nouns while adverbs describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. So, make sure to use the right type of word depending on what you are trying to describe.


  • He ran quick (incorrect) -> He ran quickly (correct)
  • She drives careful (incorrect) -> She drives carefully (correct)

In summary, using adjectives and adverbs correctly can enhance your writing and communication skills. Make sure to use the right type of word and place them correctly to convey your intended meaning accurately.

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