Concrete Noun Definition and Examples


Concrete Noun Definition and Examples

Concrete Noun Definition and Examples
Concrete Noun Definition and Examples
Definition  of 
Concrete nouns:

Concrete nouns are nouns that refer to things that can be perceived by the senses, such as objects, animals, and people. 

For example: "dog," "car," "house."

Concrete nouns are a type of nouns that refer to things that can be perceived by the senses, such as objects, animals, and people. Concrete nouns are the opposite of abstract nouns, which refer to intangible things such as ideas, emotions, and concepts.

Concrete nouns can be easily recognized because they describe things that can be seen, heard, touched, tasted, or smelled. 

For example, "dog," "car," "tree," "sandwich," and "perfume" are all concrete nouns because they refer to physical entities that can be experienced through the senses.

In a sentence, concrete nouns often serve as the subject, the direct object, or the indirect object. 

For example, in the sentence "The dog chased the cat," "dog" and "cat" are both concrete nouns. In the sentence "I gave my friend a book," "book" is a concrete noun.

Concrete nouns are a fundamental part of the English language, and they are used to describe the tangible elements of the world around us. Understanding concrete nouns is an important aspect of learning English grammar and vocabulary.

Exercise for Concrete Noun:

  1. The ___________ (dog/cat) chased the ball in the park.
  2. The ___________ (car/bus) honked loudly on the street.
  3. The ___________ (tree/flower) bloomed in the spring.
  4. The ___________ (book/magazine) had an interesting article.
  5. The ___________ (chair/sofa) was comfortable to sit on.
  6. The ___________ (apple/banana) was ripe and juicy.
  7. The ___________ (shoe/sock) was left behind in the locker room.
  8. The ___________ (pen/pencil) was used to write a letter.
  9. The ___________ (desk/table) was made of oak wood.
  10. The ___________ (hat/cap) protected her from the sun.

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