Collective Nouns Definition and Example


Collective Nouns Definition and Example

Collective Nouns Definition and Example
Collective Nouns Definition and Example
Definition of 
Collective nouns:

Collective nouns are nouns that refer to a group of things or people as a single unit. 

For example: "team," "flock," "family."

Collective nouns are used to describe a group of individuals or things as if they were one entity, even though they may be made up of multiple separate individuals or things.

Examples of collective nouns include "team," "group," "flock," "herd," and "swarm." In a sentence, collective nouns can serve as the subject, the object, or the complement. 

For example, in the sentence "The team won the game," "team" is a collective noun that serves as the subject. In the sentence "I saw a flock of birds," "flock" is a collective noun that is the subject of the sentence.

Collective nouns are often used in the singular form, even though they refer to a group of individuals or things. 

For example, we might say "The team is playing well" or "The flock of birds is flying overhead." In these sentences, the collective nouns "team" and "flock" are used in the singular form, even though they refer to multiple individuals or things.

Collective nouns are an important part of the English language, and they are used to describe groups of individuals or things as a single entity. Understanding collective nouns is an important aspect of learning English grammar and vocabulary.

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